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Press Links
At the Borderline of Uncontrollability: Six Lessons from Eva Hesse
Art in America article by Vanessa Thill
'Eva Hesse’ Offers a Moving Portrait of an Artist’s Brief Life"
Review by A.O.Scott for the New York Times/ Critics Pick
"The Persistence of the Ephemeral: Eva Hesse Review"
Review by Joe Morgenstern for the Wall Street Journal
Groundbreaking Sculptor Eva Hesse Finally Gets a Documentary
Feature by Carolina Miranda for the Los Angeles Times/ Critics Pick
"A Brilliant Magpie: ‘Eva Hesse,’ the too Short, too Beautiful Life of an Art Heroine"
J. Hoberman for The Tablet Magazine
"Not Just for the Art World, Eva Hesse's Model for Distribution Success"
Akiva Gottlieb, Documentary Magazine
Eva Hesse Documentary
Mira Schor in "A Year of Positive Thinking"
Elastic Heart
ArtForum Review by Amy Taubin
"A Psychological Portrait of Eva Hesse"
Hyperallergic Review by Benjamin Sutton
‘Eva Hesse’ Documentary about ‘a good painter’ and more
San Francisco Chronicle Review by Leah Garchik
"Remembering Eva Hesse, Art’s Forgotten Female Pioneer"
Sirin Kale for Dazed and Confused Magazine
"Finally, a Documentary About Eva Hesse"
Filmmakers: Director Marcie Begleiter and Producer Karen S. Shapiro speak with
Benjamin Sutton of Hyperallergic
"All About Eva: Filming a Brillant Artist's Life and Times"
Ann Landi's Vasari 21 Interview with Director Marcie Begleiter
"On Women Artists - Two Recent Films"
Phillip Lopate in American Scholar
"Stunning Vintage Photos Reveal the Brief Life of Artist Eva Hesse"
Michelle Broder Van Dyke for Buzzfeed
"Sol LeWitt's Advice To Eva Hesse; What Every Creative Person Needs To Hear"
Katherine Brooks for the Huffington Post
"Finding Eva Hesse's Voice"
Marcie Begleiter, director/producer, for Kickstarter's Medium Blog
"Zeitgeist Picks Up Documentary About 1960s Artist 'Eva Hesse'"
Kristen Santer for Indiewire
Zeitgeist to Release Marcie Begleiter's Doc about Artist Eva Hesse
Laura Berger for Women in Hollywood/Indiewire

Photo by Barbara Brown circa 1963
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