Shooting Hesse's Accession lll in Hamburg, Germany
In November Director Marcie Begleiter and Producer Karen Shapiro traveled to Germany for 2 weeks of shooting in Hesse's country of origin. The Hamburger Kunsthalle, a venerable art musem in Hamburg, opened an exhibit of her work on November 28th and we were there to film that event and numerous others including the dedication of a plaque at her birthplace. Our crew was international including DoP Ed Moore who came in from England (he also shot for us in London) while the German side was put together by our co-production partner , Cologne-based Televisor/Troika. We had the opportunity to speak with a fascinating group of people - some who had known Hesse when she and Tom Doyle worked in Kettwig during the mid-60's and others who have studied the work in detail. It was an exciting way to end our production year. We are now back in LA contemplaing 2014 and the editing of all our great footage!